Town of Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen spoke at the WPOA General Meeting highlighting her first year in office. Supervisor Gillen addressed concerns regarding the “Nassau Hub” ( Nassau Coliseum site east of GC), the NY State plans for the Belmont complex ( west of GC), as well as residents questions on Town of Hempstead Parks, Beaches and Recreational facilities. 

Residents in the WPOA appreciated Supervisor Gillen’s message of streamlining services: making government more efficient and also updating antiquated paper system that perpetuate Town of Hempstead facilities.  Town of Hempstead Clerk Sylvia Cabana, echoed the Supervisor’s concerns and both hope investment in technology will save taxpayers time and money.  The move to computer data systems  will also add to transparency in our local government and access to our residents.

At the end of their presentation to the Western Property Owners Association, Town of Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen and Town Clerk Sylvia Cabana presented Dr. Nicholas Vernice a Certificate of Appreciation for his dedication to disaster relief as a forensic dentist.

Residents appreciated the insights of both elected leaders and thanked Supervisor Gillen and GC’s own Town of Hempstead Clerk Cabana for coming out and speaking to the WPOA. 

In our resident electors meeting preceding the General Meeting, Stephen Makrinos (Village Trustee) and Bill Holub (GC School Board) both were unanimously confirmed.