On Saturday, October 21, 2017 the Garden City Western Property Owners Association (WPOA) kicked off their fall social calendar of events with a tour of the Bird Sanctuary. The weather was ideal to tour this hidden jewel on Tanners Pond Road. The 45-minute tour was led by Bird Sanctuary Vice President Elizabeth Bailey and Treasurer, Tim Martens. Both were very knowledgeable about the 9-acre nature preserve and its wild life. Also pointed out were many Eagle Scout and Gold Award projects, which added to the charm and function of the Bird Sanctuary.
Pizza, refreshments and goodies were provided. Our lucky 50/50 raffle winner was Kathy Auro drawn by Liz Kelly. The WPOA wished to thank the Bird Sanctuary and their great staff. We encourage all residents to check out our updated website at gcwpoa.com and come to our Fall General Meeting on November 14, 7:30 PM at Homestead School. Please call Gerry Kelly at 302-547-0800 or gerry7th@gmail.com for more information