WPOA hosts Nassau County Executive Laura Curran

On April 16, during the Western Property Owners Association meeting, guest speaker Nassau County Executive Laura Curran updated residents on several issues going on in the county. Topics included the recently rolled out assessment plan, the HUB project at the Nassau Coliseum, the Belmont project and the status of construction at the new Family Court building on 11th Street. Additionally, County Executive Curran honored WPOA President Gerry Kelly with a citation recognizing all his hard work and dedication over the past two years.

Updates on various Village topics from WPOA Directors and Trustees were presented. Many questions and concerns from those in attendance were also addressed.

The WPOA would like to thank the owners of BK Sweeney’s Uptown Grille, Repeal and Prost for their generous donations of gift cards that were raffled off at the meeting. Congratulations to the winners!

WPOA covers County Reassessment and Third Track Update

Nassau County Legislator Laura Schaefer kicked off the WPOA (Western Property Owners Association) special meeting on County Reassessment and an update on the 3rd Track. The County’s property reassessment initiative drew a large crowd to Homestead School  and Nassau County Legislator Schaefer walked the residents through the tax Assessment Notice. A lively question and answer followed as the implications of the reassessment require some mathematical understanding and locating important sites on the county web site to file an appeal. The WPOA will have resources under our notices section at our web site gcWPOA.com and will review basic steps at a special March Board meeting.  The deadline for filing an Appeal is April 30th.

Additionally, members of the Third Track Consortium updated residents on the New Hyde Park Road traffic plan and other impacts to the Western Section in conjunction with the third track expansion project.  Links to various parts of this project will be posted on our web site in the coming week.

The WPOA would like to thank Calegeros Restaurant, French Workshop and the Seventh Street Gourmet Deli for contributing to our raffle. A special thank you to Timmy O’Hanlon for bringing Hoops for Hope to the GC gym and for the egg sandwich gift certificates.

Elector and General Meeting at Homestead School

Town of Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen spoke at the WPOA General Meeting highlighting her first year in office. Supervisor Gillen addressed concerns regarding the “Nassau Hub” ( Nassau Coliseum site east of GC), the NY State plans for the Belmont complex ( west of GC), as well as residents questions on Town of Hempstead Parks, Beaches and Recreational facilities. 

Residents in the WPOA appreciated Supervisor Gillen’s message of streamlining services: making government more efficient and also updating antiquated paper system that perpetuate Town of Hempstead facilities.  Town of Hempstead Clerk Sylvia Cabana, echoed the Supervisor’s concerns and both hope investment in technology will save taxpayers time and money.  The move to computer data systems  will also add to transparency in our local government and access to our residents.

At the end of their presentation to the Western Property Owners Association, Town of Hempstead Supervisor Laura Gillen and Town Clerk Sylvia Cabana presented Dr. Nicholas Vernice a Certificate of Appreciation for his dedication to disaster relief as a forensic dentist.

Residents appreciated the insights of both elected leaders and thanked Supervisor Gillen and GC’s own Town of Hempstead Clerk Cabana for coming out and speaking to the WPOA. 

In our resident electors meeting preceding the General Meeting, Stephen Makrinos (Village Trustee) and Bill Holub (GC School Board) both were unanimously confirmed. 

WPOA Tree Lighting a Huge Success

The Western Property Owners Association (WPOA) held its tenth annual West End Christmas Tree Lighting on Friday, December 7, in the park adjacent to the New Hyde Park Road Business District.  

Each year, the WPOA is delighted to partner with Broadway Bound Dance Studio, under the outstanding direction of owner Debbie Tavernese, who provides us with the amazing talent we come to see perform. 

WPOA President Gerry Kelly got the program on the way remembering the special significance of celebrating the 77th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor and pausing for a moment to remember President George Bush’s (41) passing. Gerry immediately turned the program over to Master of Ceremony Sal Nastasi who introduced the amazing singers and dancers. Holiday tunes sung by Sal filled the air in between the dances, and again this year Sal invited his father up on the stage for a duet. 

At the conclusion of the program, everyone helped count down to the switching on of the lights that adorned the beautiful Christmas tree. Santa arrived after the tree lighting and handed out plenty of treats with the help of Garden City’s volunteer firefighters.  

The WPOA wishes to thank the Garden City Police, Parks and Recreation, Fire Department, Public Works and all the crew from the Town of Hempstead showmobile.  We thank all the dignitaries who attended, including State Assemblyman Ed Ra, Nassau County Legislator Laura Schaeffer, Town of Hempstead Councilman Ed Ambrosino who provided the showmobile, Village Trustees Stephen Makrinos and Mark Hyer and Garden City Chamber of Commerce Director John Wilton. Special thanks to Vice President RoseAnn Vernice for organizing and chairing the event for the WPOA. 

Oh What Fun it Was!

The Western Property Owners Association (WPOA) held a party at Nassau Haven Park on Sunday and neighbors enjoyed the entertainment of our clowns, the beauty of our 45 star flag, the delicious food and fun connections made with children and neighbors.Thank you to all our sponsors:

Walk Street Restaurant, for the delicious appetizers;

BK Sweeney Uptown Grille and Doc O’Grady’s for gift certificates;The French Workshop for donated bread; and finally, Parks and Recreation for table games and hosting the event with all the supplies ready including electricity for the delicious cotton candy!

For more information on the WPOA event calendar please check our web site at gcWPOA.Com

The Christmas Tree lighting is scheduled for Friday, December 7 on New Hyde Park Road.

Welcome to Fall – Pizza Party at Nassau Haven Park

WPOA Invites You to a Pizza Party at Nassau Haven Park,
This Sunday, 10/14, 3:30-6p.m.

The Western Property Owners Association (WPOA) has an exciting fall calendar planned, kicking off with a picnic at Nassau Haven Park this Sunday afternoon, October 14, from 3:30 to 6 p.m. (Rain date October 21). The WPOA will provide some refreshments, games for children and a chance to meet your WPOA neighbors. If you would like to help with this event or any upcoming gatherings, please contact Gerry Kelly at gerry7th@gmail.com or 516-502-6710.

The WPOA hopes to see all residents this Sunday at Nassau Haven for pizza (3:30-6 p.m.) and a full group photo opp in front of our beautiful 45-state flag (from a navy ship in 1907) at 5 p.m.. Please contact the WPOA at Gerry7th@gmail.com for more information.

Please mark your calendars for our next general meeting, November 13 at Homestead School, 7:30 p.m. where we intend to discuss the results of our survey on the Board of Trustees proposed “concept” for St. Paul’s. If you haven’t yet participated in our survey on St. Paul’s, please complete the survey.

Complete the St. Paul's Survey!

Thank you and we hope to see you at the Nassau Haven Park this Sunday afternoon.

Stewart Manor Train Station Platform Work Nearing Completion

[September 12, 2018 – Garden City, NY]: Work at the Stewart Manor train station, including the installation of shelter shed art glass, curb replacement, sidewalk and plaza replacement with stamped concrete, railing replacement, new bike racks, landscaping and grade crossing fence replacement, is nearing completion.

This project is in the final phase and we look forward to the finished product, which should better serve the residents who rely on this station every day for their daily commute,” Public Works Superintendent Joseph DiFrancisco said.

The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) is reusing the temporary waiting room area to stage this work space. This process has begun and is having minimal impact on commuters. Village staff held a pre-construction walk-through with LIRR project managers and will also to do a walk-through of the area with the LIRR project manager to review, first-hand, the progress.

The project scope includes full replacement of both station platforms, new platform shelters featuring artwork displays, new LED lights throughout the station, new signage, security cameras, Wi-Fi accessibility and customer help points where assistance with medical or other emergency situations can be summoned by the push of a button. New light poles will also be installed, along with new stairs and concrete work, and new speaker systems to improve station announcements and customer communications.

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WPOA wraps up informational meetings

The WPOA (Western Property Owners Association) held an informational meeting on the Long Island Rail Road 3rd track on Tuesday night. Residents reviewed an informational PowerPoint presented by the consortium building the 3rd track, and asked many questions on traffic, soil sampling and construction timelines. New information for the WPOA was the start date for closing Covert Avenue, which is now set for February 2019. This pushed New Hyde Park Avenue crossing work’s back to roughly August – September 2019 time frame.

The 3rd track group will return to the WPOA for our January 2019, general meeting with a proposed detailed plan for traffic control. Please watch the WPOA web site (gcwpoa.com) for the presentation from Tuesday night and important contact information provided at the meeting.

One issue which has come up which concerns the WPOA is the National Grid project on Plattsdale Road. Slated for a two – four week period in May 2018, the initiative was pushed back to July and has now stretched out to well over two months. Coming into a neighborhood at 5AM with generators running has made this summer on Plattsdale very difficult. The WPOA has requested that state and Village representatives review National Grid’s work plan and assess what impediments caused this initiative to fall far short of guidelines. No non-emergency work should become a burden on our residents and, in the future, it is critical that oversight by the village include time restrictions and penalties for National Grid’s failure to meet expectations.

The WPOA encourages residents to visit its website and fill in our survey on St. Paul’s (under notices at gcwpoa.com) and also consider volunteering for the Association or any village committees. Please contact Gerry Kelly at gerry7th@gmail.com for more information.

Source: Garden City News 9/7/2018
More information:

Download the 3rd Track PowerPoint presented by LIRR

**** PLEASE NOTE ****  The last page of the presentation contains important contact information for LIRR Expansion Project (3rd track).

WPOA enjoys evening at Garden City Pool

The WPOA recently enjoyed a night at the Garden City Pool, including refreshments and raffles.

The next meeting of the WPOA is tentatively Tuesday, August 21st. This will be a General Meeting to discuss rejection of its request for tabling fireman firing resolution, status of referendum on issue and gathering input on St Paul’s presentation. The location of meeting to be announced soon. For more information please contact Gerry Kelly at gerry7th@gmail.com


Welcome WPOA Student Ambassadors 2018-19

Katherine Jushchenko, President Gerry Kelly, Deirdre McVicar,  Vice President Rose Ann Vernice, Jessica Toscano, Membership Director TJ Michon, Mark Michon, William Welch, Harry Murphy