Western Property Owners Association Brings Back Summer Party!
The Western Property Owners Association (WPOA) Officers and Director brought back the Association’s Summer Party tradition to Edgemere Park on Saturday August 26th. The beautiful weather helped attract a number of new members as the WPOA goal of 350 members for 2017 gets closer!
The WPOA wants to thank the Garden City Parks and Recreation for all the help in setting up the park, providing all the games and supplies, and helping with the clean up. Walk Street, Doc O’Gradys and Culinary Heights donated delicious buffalo chicken, wings and cookies making the party even more festive. WPOA members John Park and TJ Michon complimented the business efforts with donations of popcorn and delivered water bottles! Garden City Bistro, Sarah’s Nail and WPOA member Liz Kelly donated gift certificate and Met tickets for our raffle which paid for all expenses and turned a profit under the guidance of WPOA Treasurer Arnold Finamore. Trustee Bob Bolebruch , former President of the WPOA, provided a wealth of knowledge on past summer celebrations which helped the new leadership team of the WPOA tremendously.
Vice President RoseAnn Vernice and spouse Nic hosted the 50-50 table and popcorn maker. Thank you to Directors Lauren Grima, Maureen Traxler , the Vernices, Treasurer Arnold Finamore for coordinating the clean up.
At the party, the WPOA provided a preview of Fall meeting dates and at least one new activity: a tour of the Bird Sanctuary on Saturday, October 21 from 1 to 3 pm. Please mark your calendars for our first meeting in September, Tuesday the 19 at 7:30 pm at Homestead School. A nominating committee for Trustee and Board of Education positions in 2018 will be formed.
The WPOA will have a special announcement in the coming week about a productive summer project and other fun events in 2017 and 2018. To join our WPOA team please call or text Gerry Kelly at 302-547-0800 or email at gerry7th@gmail.com
Thank you to all our neighbors for joining us and providing our team with new ideas and suggestions for 2018!